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Black Law Enforcement Stands United In Their Outrage Against Racist Expressions of White Homicide Officer


Dated: Friday August 31, 2018

The Board of Directors and Membership of the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, Inc., an organization representing the issues and concerns of men and women of color in the professional ranks of the criminal justice system through the Northeast area of the United States, stands with the members of the Philadelphia Guardian Civic League, a cherished member chapter, in their call for the immediate dismissal of Officer Jimmy Crone, a member of the Homicide Unit of the Philadelphia Police Department.

Officer Crone has, through his written, blatantly racist comments, shown himself to be someone who has not only slandered the many officers of color who are a vibrant part of the agency that employs him, but has shown his true feelings and attitude towards the citizens he has sworn to protect. We firmly believe that the attitudes expressed by Officer Crone have no legitimate place or purpose in practice within our profession, and that he is undeserving of the privilege of carrying a badge. Allowing him to remain on duty, in any capacity, will serve as a strong indicator that there is an acceptance of racial profiling, discriminatory treatment of community members, defiance of the rules of law, and unprofessional conduct in general as a standard to be adopted by members of the Philadelphia Police Department.

The National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, Inc, a 501.(c).(3) non-profit, is a premier national organization representing the interests and concerns of African American, Latino and other criminal justice practitioners of color serving in law enforcement, corrections, and investigative agencies throughout the United States, and the communities in which they serve.

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